Notes For Tomorrow
OCTOBER 3 2020 – JANUARY 20, 2021
During fall 2020 we invited you to:
- Buy some stamps at the post office
- Write us a note or postcard with a short message of hope for the future
- Mail it to us at: 1010 N. Logan Ave. Colorado Springs, CO 80909
- Include a return address
A question on our mind was, many months into a global pandemic and amidst deep, bitter political division in the U.S., how can we put something good out into the world without trying to cover up or erase the hardship, loss, and isolation so many have felt this past year. We asked you, our friends, family, neighbors, and strangers: is there anything giving you just a bit of hope right now? What might a better future look like to you? With this small gesture, we also hoped to support the USPS head of the November election by encouraging people to buy stamps and send mail.
From October 3, 2020 – January 20, 2021, we programmed the messages we received onto a 12ft-long scrolling LED sign. Groupings of messages were curated and changed weekly. After the public installation closed, we scanned all of the mail and published a partial visual archive as a broadside. This broadside was mailed back to participants.
Notes for Tomorrow is a collaboration between Jody Joyner, Ben Kinsley, and Jessica Langley and is supported by a grant from the INSITE Fund, administered by RedLine Contemporary Art Center and made possible by the The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts. The printing of the broadside was made possible by the generous support of the Colorado College Art Department’s Harold E. Berg Endowment for Art.